File Integrity Monitors (FIM)

File Integrity Monitoring solutions have the abilitity to detect changes to files but countless business-as-usual changes create a lot of noise. The solution has to differentiate low-risk change from high-risk change as part of assessing the environment.
Dukkaun Online provides a solution that uses agents to continuously capture detailed who, what, and when details in real time, to ensure that you detect all change, capture details about each one, and use those details to determine the security risk or non-compliance.
Data Sheets
Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) In addition to keeping the bad guys out, your company needs to ensure that confidential data stays IN the organisation and is not transmitted to unauthorised persons either by oversight or by malicious intent.
Data leakage can happen via multiple chanels- email, web and endpoint. Dukkaun Online provides DLP solutions that cover all these channels and provides an single platform to define rules, generate reports and give overall visibility into data leakage (if any) from your organisation.
Data Sheet
Documents Rights Management (DRM)

Once a document leaves your company, it is no longer possible to control what the receipient does to the document. DRM Solutions aim to put this control back into your hand.
You can now control who has access to the document, who can modify it, print it, forward it to others and so on. You can even revoke access to the document after a specified period or limit its access to a particular org or range of IP addresses. Please refer the data sheet for details
Data Sheets
Privileged Identity & Access Mmt (PIM/PAM)

Admin users a.k.a. "super-users" have unfettered access to the crown jewels of your organisation. It is challenging for any organisation to protect itself in case of any compromise of these credentials or malicious misuse
Dukkaun Online offers PIM/PAM solutions that can monitor and regulate privileged users acccess to critical systems. Admin users passwords are centrally mananged in a password vault, and actions are admin users are recorded. Certain options can even be blocked. Please refer the data sheet for details